Project Approval

The Moov Modular team has a deep understanding of property development the various pathways for approval. In addition, we have access to a deep pool of consultants who can lead or assist in the process depending on the project. 

Securing planning and approvals to build affordable housing are critical to success. Not only do we have significant experience across a range of projects but we’re also quick to apply what we learn to streamline new approval pathways and fast-track our responses to the underlying approver requirements. 

We’re also able to work with clients who have already gained approval on the sites they wish to develop and can assess suitability for modular construction. Seeking permission to adjust approvals in order to proceed with modular construction is also something our team and select group of consultants can assist you with. 

Development Application

Get in touch

Are you a developer ready to take your project from initial concept to successful construction?

Contact us today and let’s get you Mooving.